February 2018
Refractory relapsed Stage IV ovarian cancer now 3 years in complete remission under immunotherapy. The hope and aim behind cancer immunotherapy is that it induces a durable, long-lasting immune response. One of our patients, Minkara N., was diagnosed with metastatic ovarian cancer in 2012, and after surgery she received chemotherapy – Taxol, Avastin, Gemcitabine and Caelyx. Unfortunately, MRI showed persistent pelvic metastasis and so Minkara came to Hallwang Clinic for further treatment. Initially, in 2013, a transarterial chemoembolization was performed and she received antibody treatment, whereupon remission status was reached. Treatment was escalated to different checkpoints on several occasions together with further specific immunotherapy (tumor tissue was analyzed thoroughly before treatment). Minkara reached complete remission in 2015, and three years later we are happy to confirm that she is still in complete remission. For maintenance treatment she now receives solely immunotherapy 3 times per year. We are so happy that targeted cancer immunotherapy has been working for you, Minkara and wish you all the best for the coming years!
Update December 2018
We already reported about Minkara early this year and are happy to share the updated news with you that she is still in complete remission thanks to a combined immunotherapeutic treatment strategy.
We would like to share the wonderful news with you that Minkara, who was diagnosed with refractory relapsed Stage IV ovarian cancer, is now 4 years in complete remission under immunotherapy. Minkara N., was diagnosed with metastatic ovarian cancer, and after surgery she received chemotherapy – Taxol, Avastin, Gemcitabine and Caelyx. Unfortunately, MRI showed persistent pelvic metastasis and so Minkara came to the Hallwang Clinic for further treatment. Initially, in 2013, a transarterial chemoembolization was performed and she received antibody treatment, whereupon remission status was reached. Treatment was escalated to different checkpoints on several occasions together with further specific immunotherapy (tumor tissue was analyzed thoroughly before treatment). Minkara reached complete remission in 2015, and four! years later we are happy to confirm that she is still in complete remission. We are so happy that targeted cancer immunotherapy has been working for you, Minkara!
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