
News - 17.03.2020

Corona virus and Cancer patients


We would like to share with you a comment in regard to the corona virus pandemia:

“Due to the current events, more information should be highlighted relating to our field of medicine, to raise more awareness to our cancer patients and their relatives.

Patients with cancer belong to the COVID-19 high-risk group due to the underlying disease and the use of cytotoxic cancer therapies. Our patients are currently asking whether cancer therapies can be postponed until the pandemia is over. Following the current statements of the Robert Koch Institute, the pandemia might take even years. Therefore, one thing should not be forgotten: The cancer will not take a break due to the corona virus pandemia. Therefore, treatment continuation is essential.

However, those affected and especially relatives who are in personal contact with the patients should take the measures identified by the countries seriously and act accordingly. Even if one is not afraid for him-/herself, one can still be a carrier and thus infect people who belong to a risk group.

When everyone not only assumes their individual fate, but also takes responsibility for the fate of others, by following the hygiene measures and instructions of the public health departments, a lot of people are helped with and lives are saved. One also needs to consider that car accidents, work accidents or surgeries still happen, and a medical treatment must continue and have to take place – intensive care beds must also be available for these patients.

People who spread panic, see local practitioners or storm the hospitals to finally be tested – please be considerate. There are people with chronic illnesses, malignant illnesses, who need to attend the hospitals for their therapies. They do not have a choice. Keep the risk as low as possible. Call the health care providers and designated test centers first if you feel sick. If one develops severe symptoms such as high fever and shortness of breath, one should call the local emergency services and explain the individual situation exactly. For cancer patients under treatments a high fever is a life-threatening situation that needs to be taken urgently.

If everyone works “hand-in-hand” by taking care of others, healthcare providers will be able to keep doing an excellent job and provide care to all patients in need of treatment.”

Dear cancer patients, further treatment is essential and necessary – even now in this time. Therefore, we recommend following the hygiene instructions, and in case of any questions and doubts, our patients are of course always welcome to contact us either via email (, or via telephone under +49 7443 964 240.

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