

Your way to us


We offer you an overview of the necessary steps before you visit our clinic – and the first few days of your stay.

Two medical assistants are having a discussion. One is holding a tablet.

Step 1 –
Contact us

You can contact us either by phone or by email and talk to our administrative staff for general enquiries including financial enquiries or to arrange an appointment/telephone call with one of our consultants.

Important information

Prior to making any specific arrangements, we will ask you to provide us with the following information:

  • Details of your medical history/report
  • Results of any exams, e.g.blood tests and scans
  • Written histopathology report, if applicable
  • Details of any treatment you may have received to date
  • Current medication list

All these documents need to be in English or German, or with an English or German translation if the originals are not in English or German.

Once we have received the information, our team of oncologists will review and discuss your case, and draft an individual treatment plan and cost estimate for you (the final treatment plan/cost estimate will be composed once you arrived at the clinic and after completion of a physical exam and further diagnostic exams, if applicable).

For further questions regarding your treatment plan you can arrange a telephone call with one of our consultants or just write us an email

Step 2 –
First days at the clinic

At the beginning of your stay with us, you will meet our staff and learn your way around the clinic and area. Our medical team and administrative staff will always be glad to assist you in any way and try to make your stay at the clinic as pleasant as possible. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Anytime.

The first consultation with your medical team at our clinic include:

1. Collecting and organising all the relevant information about your health based on the reports you have alreday sent us. This includes questions about your health, medication, allergies, previous operations and (chemo-)therapy.

2. The second part of the consultation requires a physical examination.

3. Your treatment plan is then discussed and explained (based on the draft you already received per email). If you are unsure about what to expect, please stop and ask. We are happy to go over the information as many times as needed in order to make you feel comfortable with the treatment strategy.

4. The final part of the consultation requires making further appointments as discussed in the plan, some of them might have been already organised beforehand, based on prior communication (e.g. appointments for radiation, transarterial chemoperfusion, diagnostic scans, etc.)

Get in touch with us.
We will gladly assist you!