Hello to all, I´m Dino and now 39 years old and happy to had the chance to stay at Hallwang Clinic.
In January 2014 I got the diagnose colon cancer in stage 3. After a operation I had 8 treatments over 24 weeks chemotherapy in total in front of me. The 1st chemo I had was at a local hospital with a bad result. That means I lost my power quit fast and I was not able to eat anymore. With an height of 186cm I weighed just 59kg and I felt more than bad. But! I could go ahead with the treatments at the Hallwang Clinic. And that´s the reason why I´m still alive, honestly. The medical care of the doctors and the nurses was great. The hole team did a great job. After 3 weeks when I started the treatments at Hallwang Clinic were so successful, that I had a weight of 72 kg. After the completed chemotherapy I stayed in a rehab and the responsible doctor couldn´t believe my success story.
Now, 4 years after the diagnose, I have more than 82kg with a body fat less than 13%. That means I´m physically fit. And without the care of Hallwang Clinic I were not able to write these words.
A heartfelt thank to Albert, Jens and the whole team. You are great! Thanks you all.
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