I was diagnosed with liver cancer (HCC) in March 2019. A large tumor on my right lobe and several on my left which had invaded the portal vein and was non recectable I was advised the only thing available was (SIRT) internal radiation beads to give me more time.
2 weeks later I had the procedure and I became very sick and lost weight dramatically.
My wife Suzi and family began to do research for all options immunotherapy seemed the best option we happened to know a lady who had spent time in the Hallwang Clinic in Germany and six years later she was still clear of her breast and multiple secondary cancer. Australia had given her 4 mths to live. Although there wasn’t a lot of concrete results for HCC after speaking to Dr Nolting I was confident it was my only option immediately left for Germany.
On arrival I was greeted with warm caring staff and after a long consultation with Dr Nolting I began a combination theropy of IDO-Strategy, including anti-PD1 (nivolumab), as well as daily infusions for liver support. Over the next 3 weeks my 59th birthday fell at the end of July and the kitchen chef baked me a cake and all the staff presented it I was very touched as I hadn’t said a word. Leaving at the start of August for home I felt more determined than ever that I was going to beat this I have been a fighter all my life and I saw this as my biggest challenge. Several weeks after returning I had an ultra sound and a MRI which showed no visible tumor although my liver was still not functioning well I followed up with a PET scan and it showed some mild activity still there. I knew I was having a win so I returned to hallwang for a further two weeks treatment in september on returning home I had organised to get anti-PD1. Here in sydney once a month after September my blood results started to improve dramatically. The oncologists and specialist here are amazed although the treatment is a combination including vaccines NOT available here I know with the research I’ve done it wouldn’t have worked without the vaccine I returned to hallwang in Jan 2020
And welcomed like one of the family I can’t speak highly enough of them including the owner Albert. In my time there I seen miricals for people who had no hope including myself. My liver function and tumor markers are now normal. Hallwang is not for everyone as it is expensive but what price to you put on your or loved ones life? I all along thought if they prolong my life it’s worth everything I have because without life we have nothing. I’m looking forward to seeing the team at hallwang in July for a top up and a holiday.
John S.
QLD Australia
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