My name is Kate and I am from the UK, originally diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer in October 2010 and then rediagnosed with advanced breast cancer which had spread to my bones, liver and lung in Dec 2012, after exhausting all treatment options in the UK I was told in September 2016 that due to limited drugs available, the fact that I had numerous failed lines of treatment and the fact that my liver was 60 per cent covered in tumours it would be unlikely that I made Christmas. I was given a treatment option but encouraged to enjoy what little time I had left with my six year old daughter and family despite feeling well!
On hearing this it would have been quite easy just to accept this but I just couldn’t, I have too much to live for!
Further to my research I found the Hallwang Private Oncology clinic and quickly got in touch with them to see if there were options. On arrival, at the Hallwang Private Oncology clinic myself and my partner were welcomed to the clinic for a consultation with the head oncologist. He was a breath of fresh air, full of positivity and his knowledge of all treatments, conventional and alternative, are incredible. Suddenly I felt like a person with an identity rather than a number who had been put in the ‚written off‘ pile. All the staff and nurses were so friendly and the food was amazing. It was a ‚ home from home‘ feel which was important if I was to attend the clinic regularly. The medical team has since guided my treatment plan every step of the way and I have full confidence in them and as a result my tumour markers have dropped by over half, my liver enzymes are nearly in normal range and to top it off my three month scan showed substantial reduction of the tumours in my liver with no new sites.
I have attended the clinic with my partner ‚les‘ and also flown alone for treatment. I never feel worried that I will be alone as I have made lots of new friends at the clinic and everyone is so welcoming, individuals and families from all over the world with that one wish ‚to be well again‘. I am fully reliant on fundraising through gofundme and so far I have been blessed, I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who have got me to this point.
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