
„S. arrived in our clinic in June 2016 with the diagnosis of left-sided breast cancer. In October 2016 S. achieved a complete remission status.“




Here some encouraging results from one of our breast cancer patients. S. (wants to stay anonymous, but happy to share results) first arrived in our clinic in June last year, after having received the devastating diagnosis of left-sided breast cancer with lymph node metastases. Her mother had just been successfully treated at our clinic for ovarian cancer (now in complete remission), so S. turned to us for help. Analysis of her tumor tissue revealed positivity for several treatment targets, so a multimodal treatment strategy including antibody treatment and further immunotherapy was initiated. Already in October 2016, a tumor mass could not be identified anymore in the left breast and S. achieved a complete remission status. She now decided to undergo a breast-conserving surgical treatment with axillary lymphadenectomy and is doing great.

We are so happy to share these amazing results!