„I am 47 years of age, male, and had stage 3 Breast Cancer in 2006. I received a mastectomy, Chemotherapy and was on hormone treatment, Tamoxifen, for 5 years. My cancer returned as stage 4 in 2014 and was in 14 of my lymph nodes and had metastasized to the lungs. My Oncologists in Australia could not offer me any new treatments and didn’t offer much hope, so I decided to make the trip to Germany due to their range of innovative, non-invasive treatments. They also have experience with male Breast Cancer unlike in Australia. I arrived at Hallwang Clinic July 2014, and stayed for just over 3 weeks.
I received immunotherapeutic treatments. I found the clinic like a home away from home. I cannot speak highly enough of the staff and personalised treatment I received. I had little, if no side effects and I found the doctors at Hallwang to always have my best interest at heart.
When I returned to Australia, I continued to eat healthily with my no sugar, no carbohydrates diet and incorporated organic food into my life. Hallwang clinic also supplied me with 3 months of treatment to take home. I knew at any time if I had any questions, I could contact the doctors there. I also continued with Infusions and Hyperthermia treatments at home. My PET scan back in Australia, to my immense joy, has revealed that my cancer is now totally gone. I can only regard the treatment I received while at Hallwang Clinic as truly life saving.
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