
„18 months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer in my country Canada. I was given no hope for recovery by Canadian oncologists. I am pleased to share my true story to encourage others to consider another opportunity for help.“


Naumka & Dr. Ronald F.




From Hallwang patient Mrs. Naumka Nina F. with chaperoning husband Dr. Ronald F. – January 2020

18 months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer in my country Canada. I was given no hope for recovery by Canadian oncologists. I am pleased to share my true story to encourage others to consider another opportunity for help.

When I was updating my devastating news in August 2018 with my Canadian dentist Dr. Leo Gonzalez he changed my dental appointment into a lengthy personal heartfelt consultation in which he suggested that I consider a private clinic in Germany. He was educated in Germany.
From that time my husband began extensive research and after he spoke twice by phone with Hallwang’s senior oncologist, Dr. Nolting and forwarded my file documentation, we met Dr. Nolting who patiently explained in extensive medical detail the meaning of the diagnosis and of proposed treatments. Everyone at Hallwang clinic since our first moment has been so warmly supportive and encouraging… we have truly become friends.

After the first 5 days in September 2018, my daily blood testing for tumor markers such as CA 15-3 confirmed improvements. When I expressed initially to Dr. Nolting how impressed I was with him, he modestly replied… “I am even more impressed with you.” Throughout subsequent visits for further assessments and treatments, some of which were changed to different tests and treatments in response to ongoing response reports I met other patients from around the world whose true stories, some with very rare cancers all described being damaged from traditional treatments and being left no hope in their home countries. I now keep in contact with many of them worldwide via email as new friends. In early January 2020 my CT scan in Canada reported NO evidence of prior locations of cancer and I have no symptoms. I have come to feel that Hallwang clinic is my second home. I wish to express my gratitude to Drs. Nolting, Zarouff, Muhe, Wronka, and every one of the competent comforting nurses and other health professionals on the team … everyone’s expertise and their results are equalled by their sincerity!

In my opinion the entire team deserves a Nobel Peace Prize… bringing not only renewed health to others, but also PEACE. The chefs and all kitchen staff make one’s stay at Hallwang a first-class experience to which we always look forward. My special mention to oncologist Dr. Nora Muhe who touched my heart by holding my hands together emphasizing “you are not sick.” With her unique caring and humble uplifting spirit she even invited me to go shopping. We noted from the beginning and have witnessed ever since starting the truth in Hallwang’s mottos.. “to do as much as possible conservatively and naturally, but as traditionally as necessary” and “you are unique, and your treatment will be unique.” Dr. Nolting prescribes various standard oncology tests and treatments, some FDA-approved that have been continued in Canada. Nevertheless, the Hallwang clinic truly has its own irreplaceable UNIQUE diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that are not available anywhere else and that are essential to each person’s recovery to detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, identify complex abnormalities, correct hormone imbalances and more. I also wish to thank my long time best Canadian medical physician Dr. Z. Rona for his big part in my journey before and since including my essential Hallwang clinic help. My honourable mention is for my son Dave whose consistent love and support reinforces my lifelong pride in calling him my son, a wonderful human being.… but it is not only for these reasons that I feel that I am the most fortunate person in the world… it is also that I am married to the best human being, my husband Ron whose tireless medical researching, consultations with physicians, and minute to minute support, encouragement and PARTNERSHIP, along with God’s guidance, has carried me on this successful journey.

I invite others in need to read the Hallwang clinic website and consider if this clinic’s approaches may be appropriate (www.hallwang-clinic.com). Their several oncologists are board-certified (in USA, Germany and the European Society of Medical Oncology) in each of the medical specialities of oncology, haematology and internal medicine.

In addition to their UNIQUE combination of superior educational accomplishments and their close relationships with other world top cancer researchers and specialists, the Hallwang clinic health professionals are first and foremost humane human beings. Another Hallwang motto : “A relationship based on TRUST between doctor and patient is just as important as the treatment itself.”