
„Not only have I had healing from my treatments at Hallwang but I have met some of the most amazing people - Drs, nurses, and office staff.“




I have seen some bad press lately about the clinic and just thought I would send a message of thanks and appreciation to all of you.

Not only have I had healing from my treatments at Hallwang but I have met some of the most amazing people – Drs, nurses, and office staff.

I feel so loved and supported there I think that could be enough to heal someone. I am so blessed to be able to have been given the opportunity for treatment at Hallwang.

I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me. When I arrived back in Dec I had so much bone pain I couldn’t stand up straight or take a deep breath. I was weak and needed help to walk a distance. I was thin and had lost a lot of weight. I was doing so poorly the family had flown my kids out to Germany to spend Christmas with me because I wasn’t sure we would have another to spend together. After receiving treatment at Hallwang that has changed. I feel very well. My pain is gone. My weight is back to normal and I am much stronger. I saw my US doctor last week and he said I look better than he has ever seen me look (he has been my doctor for 10 + years).

Thank you for putting up with all my crazy philosophies on health and the questioning I do. You are always understanding and open to what I ask and say. I appreciate that so much. There are not many doctors that are as kind and understanding as you (or have such a great sense of humor).