Testimonials -
Head and neck tumors

"You are unique - and so is your treatment"

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Head and neck tumors

Please note that due to the data protection law, we cannot provide any updates about past testimonials that have been published following our patients’ wishes. Furthermore, please don’t misunderstand the testimonials as an objective and complete treatment summary. In many cases, the patients use testimonials to express their gratitude to our team, as we have supported them in a very difficult situation, regardless of their treatment response. In case of a patient’s death, we cannot always publish this under the testimonial due to the data protection law. In case you are a patient or a legal representative and want to have a testimonial removed, please contact our administration: info@hallwang-clinic.com

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17. March 2020

We would like to share with you a comment in regard to the corona virus pandemia. Due to the current events, more information should be highlighted relating to our field of medicine

03. December 2020

FDA Pipeline: Agents in DLBCL, SCLC, AML, and More

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Contact us

Contact us for a free consultation with our specialized oncology team.


Silberwaldstraße 34
72280 Dornstetten /
Hallwangen, Germany
+49 7443 964240
Mo - Fr: 08:00 - 19:00
Sa: 09:00 -13:00