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"Sie sind einzigartig – so wie Ihre Behandlung bei uns"
"Sie sind einzigartig – so wie Ihre Behandlung bei uns"
Beachten Sie bitte, das es sich bei den Aussagen um Originalaussagen handelt und diese von den individuellen Patienten selbst verfasst wurden. Eine Übersetzung dieser Originalaussagen ist daher nicht möglich, so das nur die Originale in der von den Patienten verwendeten Sprache zur Verfügung stehen.
After sending our medical notes and having the first Phone call with Dr Nolting, I knew if anyone could help us he could! He spoke perfect English but way too fast -the passion in his voice to save my husband was astounding, he explained thoroughly over and over until I 100% understood the medical Jargon!
On our first of many visits to this tiny place In what felt like the middle of nowhere we were pleasantly surprised at lack of grandeur! This place was homeley, and welcoming the girls were all friendly yet knew every last detail down to a tee and gave a new meaning to the word efficiency. My husband had been told he wouldn’t make Christmas, we were heartbroken vulnerable and naive however that soon changed to positive, informed and hopeful! Results on nicks first scan only 9 weeks into treatment proved we’d made the best decision! Nicks tumors in his liver had totally gone along with his lungs and four out of five bones were all tumor free with the last in his shoulder been greatly reduced in size! - we’re ecstatic! Not only do I feel so grateful my husband will be around to watch our 3 year old twins grow up but I’m grateful we found this quirky little place and we were handled with hope and genuine care. If my husbands results hadn’t have been as amazing as they are I would have still maintained that every single person At the Hallwang boosted his spirits and gave him the lift he needed to keep fighting this truly awful disease- keep doing what your going guys love the Dippers xx
We would like to share with you another heartwarming and encouraging story from our clinic! This is David and his lovely wife Tina. David was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2000, underwent radiation and jaw reconstruction with a new tongue. Unfortunately, beginning of this year, the tumor came back and David came to us. David was treated with combined immunotherapy. Now he got his first MRI results back, showing no evidence of recurrence!
We are so happy for him and his family, congratulations!
See the happy couple Robert and his lovely wife at our Hallwang clinic, shortly after receiving the latest PET Scan results! Robert was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2015 and came to our clinic for further treatment. After identification of treatment targets on his tumor cells, he was treated with combined immunotherapy targeting his cancer cells. His most recent PET scan shows no evidence of active, hypermetabolic tumor anymore. Robert still needs follow-up treatment, but we are so happy about these interim results!
Bitte beachten Sie das wir aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen, keine Aktualisierungen zu früheren Testimonials bereitstellen können, die auf Wunsch unserer Patienten veröffentlicht wurden. Bitte verstehen Sie die Erfahrungsberichte nicht als objektive und vollständige Zusammenfassung der individuellen Behandlung. In vielen Fällen verwenden die Patienten Testimonials, um unserem Team ihren Dank auszudrücken, da wir sie in einer sehr schwierigen Situation unterstützt haben – unabhängig von ihrem Behandlungsansprechen. Auch im Todesfall eines Patienten können wir aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen dies nicht immer unter dem jeweiligen Testimonial veröffentlichen. Wenn Sie selbst der Patient oder ein gesetzlicher Vertreter sind und ein Testimonial entfernen lassen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Administration:
Aufgrund der aktuellen Ereignisse sollten mehr Informationen zu unserem medizinischen Bereich hervorgehoben werden, um unsere Krebspatienten.
FDA Pipeline: Agents in DLBCL, SCLC, AML, and More
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